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Friday, October 30, 2015

Karinderia ni Mang-Urot (Feeding Program)

Even the richest Capital City, Manila does not escape the image of poverty, hungriness and homeless people.

Today October 30 I witness and enjoy being part of Karinderia ni Mang-Urot feed the hungry homeless people and street children.

This experience make my day so special sharing my time, appreciate life for being fortunate that I experience to eat 3 times a day, enjoy life and value education while other people live less fortunate.

In some other corner of different places like this, Quezon City Manila, even if there's a lot of great and nice looking establishment, sparkling and attractive lights from pubs, from simple to exclusive restaurant, malls and groceries store that seems like the City look rich and elite.

Probably it's so wrong, the visibility of poverty still there in every corner of every places, street children, homeless people, beggar, old man and woman who abandoned their families, ex-convict who just go around, drug addict, uneducated kids who speak vulgar and possible to do crime and expose to gambling, jobless and unfortunate people etc.

Every individual have their own stories. But still there are HUMAN and they have the right to treat well.

Tonight I met Mr. Benjie or well known Mang-Urot doing this for almost 3 years with his lovely daughter Brigette, feed the hunger people in corner of West Triangle, Quezon City. The way he help this hungry people is simple and direct.

Fill their starving and empty stomach to survive.

Now here’s my story.

It’s calm and relaxing Friday October 30th for me, my main plan is to visit the Capital City Manila to pass my Photo Entry for Volunteering Development Photo Exhibit and trying my luck to be part of the Exhibit for this coming December 2015.

After a long walk and done for my main purpose, I use my free time to enjoy and look around at the Quezon City Memorial Park and visit the Museum.

It’s started to get and dark and the evening comes. After taking my dinner near the West Triangle, I realize that I’m already near just a few blocks at the Karinderia ni Mang- Urot (Mr. Benjie). So I decided to contact Mang-Urot (Mr. Benjie) that I will visit and volunteering to join the feeding program this Friday night.

The Karinderia ni Mang Urot (KMU) is a soup kitchen put up for poor and homeless people for almost three years. And Mang Urot (Mr. Benjie) personally finances feeding the homeless people and street children three times a week every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night at 8 to 9 in the evening.

They cook the food at his home, and then he takes the food to a parking lot of Bank of Commerce on right corner at Quezon Avenue corner Examiner Street or the other side of Parking lot if it’s available.

There is no fancy decoration, tarpaulin or activity program, nothing but a simple setup of tables with a bowl of rice and soup.
Everyone is free to join for those who want to be a volunteer. (And I actually recommend you to experience and spend your time in this precious activity). You don’t need to pay anything or required to give money, but a labor of love and time is greatly appreciated. But of course food donations are very welcome. And for those who want to help to cook, you can also inform Mang Urot (Mr. Benjie) to drop by at Mang Urot’s house at 1 Dalisay Street, West Triangle. Quezon City. And cooking time is early before feeding time.

Before we start to do the feeding programs Mang-Urot (Mr. Benjie) share his few stories, wisdom of word and his life experiences why he is so dedicated and appreciate to offer his help to these people. So the volunteer have ideas and aware about him.  He’s not claiming his self as a Hero (while many people told him he is) but having a heart to spread love and mind to understand and help hunger people is simply enough.
To feed each and everyone who feel starving for foods.

For me he is a nice person exist for a good deeds, not everyone have the same thinking and doing this kind of actions, Mang-Urot (Mr. Benjie) for me valuing humanity and kindness. One of nice thing to know, his family supporting his passion of helping these kind of people especially his adorable daughter named Brigette.
And one of the remarkable words I heard from him is “As long as I live I will never stop helping people and feed the hunger”.

He is totally a great person that you can able to learn a lot of things and he also has strong faith in God. It’s truly my privileges meeting him, learning and adapting his compassion of fighting for the right of those less fortunate people.

And I myself witness that even those homeless people who live in this kind way of life; it’s their right to treat them well. They have heart and appreciate these small things being thankful, for them surviving the hunger this night and to the next day.

Food is a blessing and major necessity, many of the people every now and then, waste food and doesn’t have discipline to appreciate it, how important for us and to our body the nutrition we need.
Word is not enough how to describe my feelings torn apart being happy and sad.

I’m happy because my time does not waste but truly memorable (teary eyes).

Sad it’s because I seen and realize how really hard for small children at their innocent mind to live in this kind of way, surviving the hunger, surviving the cold at night, where to sleep, homeless, unable to study and build their dreams.

For those old people who just stuck in this situation and accept life that they are less fortunate and contented enough either it can able for them to eat to fill their starving stomach or no chance or choice but to sleep to forgot the hungriness.

But despite of poverty they can still smile and have the spirit of positivity.

I really wish that all human who have the heart and capable to help other who needs a helping hand even a small thing is always there and exist.

Now Mang-Urot (Mr. Benjie) is not a myth but a reality for me. He is truly a figure of a strong man with strong dedication and a big heart for homeless and poor people. He is such an inspiration and another great instrument from God to spread compassion, love and humanity.

For those who want to be part of his feeding program you are very welcome. And for those who want to share or give food donations like can goods, noodles, coffee and foods you can contact him at 09189106763.

I recommended you to experience this eye and mind opening activity. Always spread love, kindness and understand the meaning of HUMANITY. I will definitely be back again soon to be part of Mang-Urot (Mr. Benjie) feeding program.

I’m sending my gratitude and being thankful to Mang-Urot (Mr. Benjie), to her daughter Brigette and to my new fellow volunteer friends for this wonderful moment of my life. Share your stories with us once you meet Mang-Urot (Mr. Benjie) and being part as well of Karinderia ni Mang-Urot (Feeding Program).

Photo By: JazzrellRio


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